Category Archives: Ireland

Dublin Photo Diary

Writers, theologians, labor agitators, and revolutionaries often penned and typed their words looking out a window that was under the constant barrage of precipitation. James Joyce, William Butler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, and Oscar Wilde are just a few that made profound impacts on the modern world. Today, Dublin is an evolving metropolis that still pays homage to its distinct past through architecture and culture.

Kilmacduagh Monastery

You don’t need a guide, just follow the path of the ancient Irish countryside
Cold rain keeps the island green, to preserve a timeless scene
Saint Coleman, son of Duagh
Founded this monastery in the 7th century
When walking the grounds, silence is the only lecture that can partially explain
The routine of a venerable abbot

Galway, Ireland

Galway is a city of poets and festivals. Therefore, it is no surprise that this vibrant municipality serves as a hub of film, theatre, and literature.

Cork, Ireland

Founded by Vikings
Cork was awarded the European Capital of Culture in 2009